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Front cover of the novel 'How Soon is Now?' by Scottish author Paul Carnahan

The trip of a lifetime.

'How Soon Is Now?' - a dazzling new novel of
love, loss and time travel

Available on all major e-book platforms from June 10

‘Don’t I have to watch out for paradoxes? Isn’t there a risk I’ll become my own grandfather or something?’

‘You can only go as far back as your own birth,' said Duncan, 'so there’s zero chance of triggering a grandfather paradox. It’s not impossible you could screw up the timeline somehow, but in practice, how would you even know? We all finish up in the same reality in the end.’

I scratched my head. ‘This is going to get confusing, isn’t it?’

‘Yes,’ said Ruth. ‘I’m afraid so.’

'How Soon Is Now?'

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Header for the blog written by writer and novelist Paul Carnahan

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